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In order to stay warm or simply give a playful touch to your outfit, layering never goes out of trend, being a style on its one!

It's always impressive to see a cool layered outfit, especially when sometimes it's hard to pick even a basic outfit.  While I must admit I always stayed in the limits of classic approaches to fashion, there's a certain catchy vibe with layered appearances, like a spell I would love to naturally master.

Luckily, designers have shown us during each season so many ways to wear item over item over item. From nomad like styles, with a messy twist and almost negligée approach, to clean cuts and classic pieces, we have all the inspiration we need to try it!

Like any other trend, you must adapt it to your personal style. While some prefer looser clothes, that offer flexibility and a more rebellious look, other favor the minimalist looks. In each case, layering can be a great option to play with in order to step up your fashion game. 

Most trends bet on tops overlay, but there's no wrong in adding a skirt over a pair of trousers or leggings. While a shirt over a tank top and a blazer are more often worn, there's no reason not a wear a long waistcoat over your leather jacket.

Of course, examples may vary! As long as you're bold enough, just take a look at our outfit inspiration and start experimenting!

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